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Strategy To Improve Your Financial Literacy Skills


 Create A Budget:

Set yourself up for success by utilizing a budget.  Keep track of your money transactions.  A budget helps you keep track of where your money is going.

Spend Less Than You Earn:

No matter how much or how little you earn, you may find it difficult to get ahead  if you spend more than you make.

Payoff  Your Credit Cards:

Credit card debt is one of the biggest obstacle to improving your finances.

Save and Invest:

Set aside a percentage of your income for short and long-term saving.

Review Your Insurance Coverage:

It is important to have enough insurance to protect your family.

Prepare and Update Your Will:

A will is important to direct where your money goes when you die.

Keeep Good Records:

It will be important comes tax time.

Get Financial Advice:

A financial adviser can help you reach your financial goals.


5 Character Traits for Financial Success



It has never occurred to the average person who they could become. The average person grew up in a family where they were never encouraged to climb as high as they can.


No one becomes financially successful until they decide to. Even if a person reads a book or attends a seminar. Nothing changes until they make a decision to do something different.


Procrastination keeps many people from becoming financially successful. People always have a good reason not to begin doing what they know they need to do to achieve financial success.


If you cannot delay gratification and discipline yourself to refrain from spending more than you earn, you cannot become financially successful.

Time Perspective

How far do you project into the future when you make a decision?

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